How To Treat Eczema With Manuka Honey
For hundreds of years, people have used honey to treat skin problems, including infections and wounds. That's because this thick, sweet, delicious ingredient is so good at fighting microbes.
If you suffer from eczema, you might want to look for Manuka honey. A Manuka honey eczema treatment may provide you with the comfort you crave.
An Intro to Eczema
First of all, there are different types of eczema. But, when people use the word "eczema," they're usually referring to atopic dermatitis, the most common form. That's the type we're talking about here.
Eczema is a chronic skin condition that afflicts millions of patients. People of all ages can have it, and it lasts a lifetime.
This disorder makes parts of the skin red, dry, swollen, leathery, cracked, bumpy, flaky, or itchy. These rashes usually show up on the arms or behind the legs. But they can appear anywhere on the skin.
Eczema isn't contagious, and medical experts aren't sure what its exact causes are. A number of factors can bring about eczema, including genetics and an overactive immune system.
In some people, the immune system occasionally reacts too harshly to irritants, or it sees some proteins as harmful when they're not. It then launches unnecessary inflammatory responses, leading to eczema flare-ups.
Different things trigger flare-ups in different people. Common triggers include:
• Stress.
• Respiratory tract infections.
• Dry skin.
• Sweat.
• Temperature changes.
• Nickel and other metals.
• Certain soaps, shampoos, and lotions.
• Pollen, dust mites, and pet hair.
• Some household disinfectants, detergents, and glues.
How Manuka Honey Can Help
Sadly, there's no cure for eczema. But your dermatologist might prescribe a medication to ease your symptoms. Plus, if you know what your triggers are, you can try to avoid them.
What you shouldn't do is scratch your skin during flare-ups. Scratching can scar skin or even tear it open, causing infections.
For safe relief, try Manuka honey. The bees that make it pollinate tea trees, which are native to New Zealand and Australia. Those plants give this honey a unique active ingredient called methylglyoxal.
Methylglyoxal is an enzyme that kills harmful microorganisms like staphylococcus bacteria. Staph bacteria often lead to eczema rashes and other infections.
In addition to alleviating breakouts and reducing inflammation, Manuka honey can moisturize and reinvigorate dry skin.
Manuka honey is used in skincare for the purpose of treating eczema and is sometimes sold in moisturizers and other skincare products. Those products are usually more potent and concentrated than the honey itself. Plus, you can apply them directly to your skin since they're not sticky.
On the other hand, if you're using regular Manuka honey, you'll probably want to blend it with other items like olive oil and beeswax. Then you could heat that mixture, let it cool, and apply it to your skin.
When flare-ups strike, try Honeyskin Ultimate Face & Body Cream. Thanks to such products, you should soon be able to forget your pain and irritation. Instead, you can focus on enjoying life and doing the things you love.
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This product is great 💛 I like it
2021-04-13 08:51
Yes its true I have tried it and it is very effective☺️
2021-04-13 07:07
This product is good and effective 😊 I like it
Bhejay Go
2021-04-13 08:51